With transport & logistics sector coming under extreme pressure, our consultants with rich experience in sophisticated technologies provides the intelligence required to facilitate this across all transport modes - rail, road, maritime, aviation, as well as post and logistics.
ITVANTAGE consultants have experience of working with many solutions well suited to transportation and logistics service providers, including smart yard management, dynamic route planning and analytics.
Our consultants can help in the following areas:
Outbound logistics: Outbound logistics solutions help clients turn their processes into a source of competitive advantage.
Pick-up and Delivery Process Visibility
With relevant exposure we can help with mPAD solution that offers real-time visibility into pickup and delivery of cargo or parcels. It helps logistics service providers better manage on-time performance and improve customer service.
Dynamic Route Planning
Dynamic vehicle routing solution helps provide real-time planning and routing of vehicles while in transit. Our expertise can help provides superior performance, including the ability to accept planning inputs about vehicles on the move.
Analytics for Logistics
Owing to tremendous business benefits from analytics solution for transportation and logistics players our consultants have the right technology advantage and help customer take a vast range of inputs and compute various supply chain metrics to helps business users plan their logistics operations more effectively.
- Our Transport & Logistics practice is an well connected with relevanat consultants in the market and are industry focused professionals.
- Our capabilities cover aviation (airports, airlines and airline services), shipping and ports, land transport (heavy and light rail, coach, bus and transit) and road freight and logistics (including postal).
- Our consultants understands the financial and operational drivers of the transport sector and can assist our customers’ in dealing with current and emerging issues such as market consolidation, deregulation, public private partnerships and financing.